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1st Quarter

         Measurements & Processes


We will begin this unit by learning the 'tools of the trade'.  These include both qualitative and quantitative analysis.  We will focus on the difference between observation and inference.  This will be followed by a variety of labs in which we will gain experience measuring length, mass, volume, and density.  By the conclusion of this unit, students should be able to answer the questions below:

  • What is the difference between an observation and an inference?

  • What are the metric unit prefixes?  What does each represent?

  • What should you remember when measuring with a ruler?

  • How can length be measured indirectly?

  • What is mass?  How is it different from weight?  What units is it measured in?  How do you use a 3 beam balance?

  • What is volume?  What is the 'measure by displacement' method?  How can it be calculated?

  • What is density?  How is it measured?

  • What is 'Archimedes Principle'?  What does it have to do with boat construction?


Click on this video and review "How to Use a Ruler" before the Metric Retest.




      Human Anatomy & Physiology


This is the most challenging unit for most.  To be successful, students must learn how to take detailed notes and memorize large amounts of information in a short period of time - something you will be asked to do again in high school.  As we learn about each of the body's systems and how they work, I will provide specific strategies to help you take notes and prepare for tests and quizzes.  By the conclusion of this unit, students should be able to answer the questions below:

  • What are the systems of the Human Body?

  • What are the organ names, locations and functions?

  • How do the organs and systems work together as a team?

  • What things contribute to a healthy lifestyle and why? 

Here are some useful links this quarter:

1st Quarter Extra Credit


Metric Scaler for Extra Credit above

(if you have Excel, use this to scale measurements to fit your graph paper)


2nd Quarter Extra Credit


© 2018 Randy Myers, Magee Middle School

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