2nd Quarter
Frog Dissection
This project gives students a unique opportunity to see the systems explored in Human Anatomy & Physiology in a realistic setting. While many students have apprehension about this assignment, most find it to be one of the most valuable experiences all year. Should a student not be able to participate in this project, they will be given an alternate written assignment.
This unit will consist of the following:
Identification and evaluation of external anatomy
Skin incision followed by Muscular incision and resection
Identification and removal of Cardiovascular System
Identification and removal of Digestive System
Identification and removal of Urinary System
Identification and removal of Nervous System
Leg Muscle and Bone dissection
The unit will conclude with a written/practical exam, identifying frog anatomy on actual dissected frogs.
Cells & Genetics
In Human Anatomy & Physiology we examined the structure and function of each body system and the tissue type designed to perform each of the required tasks. For the most part, these structures are readily visible. All living organisms are made of cells which are amazingly sophisticated in their own right. Our journey from macro (tissue types) to micro (the cell) will lead us to the nucleus where the code for life, our DNA, will be found. This unit begins with an exploration of the cellular organelles and their functions and then continues with a closer look at the role of genes in determining traits. The unit concludes with a historical look of adaptation as well as a consideration of the ethical issues we will face more and more in the future of genetic testing and engineering. Our major concepts will include identifying environmental vs. inherited traits, dominant vs. recessive traits, and how to use the Punnett Square (in dihybrid and monohybrid crosses), Below are key terms, concepts and historical figures we will discuss:
Punnett Square
Sexual Reproduction
Asexual reproduction
Incomplete Dominance
Gregor Mendel
Jean-Baptiste Lamark
Charles Darwin
Make sure you follow all directions including printing on card stock (or gluing to poster board) then cutting out each part and coloring adjacent parts differently. Assemble all parts and be prepared to name each (memorized - do not write on your model) for full credit. Compare assembly to examples in class and turn in/present before the deadline.
A Tour of the Cell (Bozeman Science)
Genetics Scavenger Hunt - Tour of Basic Genetics (Utah Site)
Beginner's Guide to Punnett Squares
Darwin & Lamark Links: #1, #2a, #2b, #2c, #3, #4a, #4b
Student Samples of Babies to complete " Genetics with a Smile - Wrapping it up"