Welcome "At Home" Learners!
Below is our current schedule. Everyone will have class 3 times a week (M/W/R or T/W/F). Since the day depends on which period you have Science, I will list videos by week and session numbers. I will try to post a lesson from that day by 6 p.m. Remember to check my Class Notebook for the agenda and Teams for the actual homework assignment. The first schedule is for Hybrid students and the second is for Remote Only.
Please attend every live lesson! 50% of your online education grade in science is based on active participation and attendance!
Distance Learning 2020 - 2021
Most Recent Lessons:
(Beginning of Electricity & Magnetism Unit)
DL Science 4/12 - 4/16 S1(V1) and (V2)
DL Science 4/21 (only live lesson this week)
DL Science 5/3 - 5/7 S1 (#1-#7 - new)
DL Science 5/3 - 5/7 S1 (#8-#18 - new)
(end of Processes Unit)
(Qtr. Break)
(Beginning of Genetics Unit)
DL Science 11/9 - 11/10 S3 + Nearpod code is 3KULJ
DL Science 11/16 - 11/20 S1 + Nearpod code is GYK2C
DL Science 11/16 - 11/20 S2 + Nearpod code is PTXWD
DL Science 11/16 - 11/20 S3 + Bill Nye Genes + Genetics Scavenger Hunt
DL Science 11/23 - 11/25 S1 + Nearpod code is 8ZGYT
DL Science 11/23 - 11/25 S2 + Nearpod code is 9AJZL
DL Science 11/30 - 12/4 S1 + Nearpod code is U3B84
DL Science 12/7 - 12/11 S1 + Nearpod code is RJ9WI
DL Science 12/7 - 12/11 S2 (use to complete Darwin & Lamark)
(Semester Break)
(Beginning of Chemistry Unit)
DL Science 2/1 - 2/5 S1+ Nearpod code is S8GC5
(Beginning of Physics Unit)
DL Science 2/8 - 2/12 S2 (Physics Phun)
(Beginning of 4th Quarter)
DL Science 3/22 - 3/26 S1+ Nearpod code is 7LKPR
Distance Learning Spring 2019 - 2020
DL Science #14 4/30 (EM #14 & 15)
DL Science #15 5/4 (EM #14 & 15)
DL Science #19 5/11 (EM #20 & 21)
(Circuits below)