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4th Quarter

       Electricity & Magnetism


Throughout this unit we will explore the connection between matter, energy, electricity and magnetism.  We will learn about charged particles, magnetic domains, AC vs. DC, voltage, resistance and forms of energy along the electromagnetic spectrum.   Finally, we will look at schematic symbols, electrical components and series/parallel circuits and the effect they have on voltage and current.  This knowledge will be put to use while constructing our Electronic Circuit.  By the conclusion of this unit, students should be able to answer the questions below:

  • What is electricity?  What is magnetism?

  • What is the relationship between electricity and magnetism?

  • How and why are charges transferred?

  • What are conductors, insulators and resistors?

  • What is voltage, resistance, and current?

  • What is the difference between AC and DC?

  • What are magnetic lines of force?

  • What are different forms of energy?  How can they be changed from one to another?

  • What is the difference between a wet and dry cell?  How do they work?

Special Projects will include "Wet Cell Lab", and "Series/Parallel Lab"  Homework assignments will be based on the following handouts:


Electric Charge Handout


Electric Current Handout


Magnetism Handout


Crystal Radio Handout



4th Quarter Extra Credit is construction of an 

Electronic Quiz Board


Electronic Quiz Board Template (Word)



        Electronic Circuit

This project gives student the opportunity to put into practice knowledge gained throughout our Electricity & Magnetism unit.  By completing the construction of a working circuit, students will gain a more practical understanding of the field of electrical engineering.  We will be assembling, soldering and testing Electronic Circuit kits.  Each step must be performed carefully for the final project to work.  The phases are:

  • Component Installation 

  • Soldering 

  • Calibration & Testing

Students will receive individual grades for each phase of the project.   Students will learn component names, their functions and how to install and solder components.  In addition, students must learn how to read and interpret electronic schematics.  The project will conclude with testing or circuits and completing a Lab Exam.



         Final Exam


The words that strike fear into the heart of every student.  No need to fret.  This is simply an opportunity for students to share some of the knowledge they have gained all year.  It is a chance to reflect on what we have learned.  Too often we take an exam and forget the information as soon as we turn in our paper.  This comprehensive exam sends the message to students all year long that "I need to learn this stuff!"  To ensure success on this exam, students should save all previous tests, quizzes, and worksheets.  They should be organized by units with the assessments at the top of each section.  Good Luck!


© 2018 Randy Myers, Magee Middle School

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